Is Your Child Ready for the Digital Future?

Empower Every Child with 8 Digital Citizenship Skills

Outsmart the Cyber-Pandemic

Empower Every Child with Digital Intelligence by 2020

Why #DQEveryChild

Helping young people
safely navigate the digital world

Why #DQEveryChild

How to overcome the
cyber-pandemic among children?

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Why #DQEveryChild

Forget IQ. Digital Intelligence
Will Be What Matters In The Future

Why #DQEveryChild

Turkcell Announces Partnership with DQ Institute and Turkish Ministry of Education to Improve Children’s Digital Literacy

Why #DQEveryChild

Why It’s Important to Empower Children with Discernment and Critical Thinking Skills

Why #DQEveryChild

Exponential Expansion as a DQ Coalition

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We’re Creating a Movement.
#DQEveryChild is a global movement to empower every child with digital intelligence.
We aim to set a global standard of digital citizenship for all children around the world.
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The Impact.
In 2017, the #DQEveryChild movement spearheaded by the DQ Institute in association with the World Economic Forum superseded all expectations and continues to make impact around the world.
30 Countries
15 Languages
600,000 Children
100 Organizations

For Educators.
Our research-based, award winning DQ World e-learning programme offers FREE high quality education for children ages 8-12 to learn the 8 digital citizenship skills to become Masters of Technology. Student-centred learning makes implementation simple for any school. Sign your school up for the 2018 DQ Challenge!

For Parents.
Is my child addicted to apps? Can my kids protect their privacy online? At what age should they own their first smartphone? Our practical parent resources help you answer these questions and develop healthy and responsible digital use habits for your family. Take the first step by finding out your digital parenting style.

For Organizations.
Want to make a positive impact on your nation? Apply to become a certified DQ Ambassador. Not only will you learn how to empower children in your community with digital citizenship education, but also join a growing coalition of like-minded partners who are passionate about bringing DQ to every child.

#DQEveryChild in Action

Press Release
April 19 ,2024
Living Well Digitally: Global Initiative Launched by NUS Centre for Trusted Internet and Community and Powered by DQ
Press Release
February 09 ,2021
New Global Standards to Empower Digital Citizens – Helping children with digital skills
Press Release
October 09 ,2020
World’s First Global Standard for Digital Literacy and Digital Skills Is Born In Singapore
Press Release
May 25 ,2020
An expert explains: the digital risks facing our children during COVID-19
April 30 ,2020
#DQEveryChild COVID-19 Response Fund Highlighted by BBC
Press Release
March 21 ,2020
Infographic: Child online safety
Press Release
February 13 ,2020
Australia second only to Spain when it comes to child safety online, index reveals
Press Release
February 13 ,2020
British children stare at screens for 44 hours per week, says first global Child Online Safety Index


Our DQ Coalition

#DQEveryChild can only be realized with the invaluable support from future-oriented and community-spirited partners. The DQ Institute is a public-private-civic-academic coalition in association with the World Economic Forum that aims to bring quality digital intelligence education to every child. The coalition provides evidence-based solutions and data-driven policy recommendations to help individual nations build ethical digital ecosystems through multi-stakeholder collaboration.