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March 04, 2021
The pandemic has meant increased screen time for children. Nearly two-thirds of 8-12 year-olds have been exposed to one or more forms of cyber risk, according to one recent study. Lego has teamed up with a think-tank to develop an online game to teach kids empathy. The World Ec....
February 26, 2021
O sentido educacional que os brinquedos da LEGO oferecem ganha nova e ainda maior dimensão com o lançamento do Safer Internet Day (ou Dia da Internet mais Segura, em tradução livre), um quiz virtual desenvolvido para ensinar às crianças sobre empa....
February 24, 2021
Did you know 60% of Canadian youth have witnessed some form of cyberbullying in the last month, and one million youth experience it first-hand? WHAT IS CYBERBULLYING? Cyberbullying is the use of digital communication technology to repeatedly intimidate or harass others. It inclu....
February 22, 2021
LEGO e sicurezza digitale: il progetto è partito martedì 9 febbraio, in occasione del Safer Internet Day, in collaborazione col DQ Institute. L’iniziativa intende promuovere lo sviluppo dell’empatia digitale nei più piccoli, attraverso divertenti forme di app....
February 21, 2021
本報訊:TikTok以其新穎的Family Safety Toolkit,讓家長與教師成為更好的「數碼公民」,協助開創更安全的互聯....
February 19, 2021
TIKTOK is collaborating with DQ Institute and JA Worldwide to launch a Family Safety Toolkit. The first of a kind toolkit is now available on TikTok’s Safety Centre within the app in Malaysia and other Asia Pacific countries, in conjunction with Safer Internet Day (SID) 202....