August 08, 2018

TOP DQ TEACHER for July 2018

Mdm Dianna, the ICT HOD SH of Rivervale Primary School, has been actively teaching students the 8 Digital Citizenship Skills with since 2014. Under her guidance, Rivervale Primary School has consistently been one of the TOP DQ SCHOOLS each year.
So, how does Mdm Dianna teach DQ?
This year, Rivervale brought DQ to their P3 students starting on Safer Internet Day. They pre-booked an energetic DQ assembly talk during which they introduced the DQ World programme to their students. In early March, they scheduled regular 2-hour classes for students to use the programme. Later in June, Mdm Dianna joined the DQ Educator’s Facebook Group and shared advice for implementing DQ in her school. Finally, when we met with Mdm Dianna for Rivervale’s DQ Report consultation in July, we discussed the report findings and agreed on a plan to help students tackle potential cyber-risks.
During our conversation with Mdm Dianna, we were able to understand that she not only actively talks to her students about cyber wellness issues but also listens to her students who are struggling and discusses these issues during the Form Teacher Guidance Period (FTGP). “DQ World is able to engage my students as it reaches out to them in a format that they love – mission-based gaming! My students are able to internalise cyber wellness concepts through DQ World’s interactive content, ” says Mdm Dianna. With the continuous support from Mdm Dianna, we believe that her pupils will use DQ World to maximize their understanding of cyber wellness and digital citizenship skills.
Congratulations Mdm Dianna! You are this month’s TOP DQ TEACHER!