What’s Been Going On:
Why You Must Have These Digital Skills in the AI Age
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World’s First Global Standards for Digital Literacy and Digital Skills
Digital Intelligence (DQ) are Global Standards for Digital Literacy, Skills, Readiness
The LEGO Group Partners with the DQ Institute to Empower Children to Become Responsible Digital Citizens
TikTok Family Safety Toolkit: An Easy and Comprehensive Digital Parenting Guide
How to overcome the cyber-pandemic among children?

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2021 IQ, EQ, DQ: New Intelligence in the AI Age

IQ, EQ, DQ chronicles Dr. Yuhyun Park’s social impact journey in developing the concept of Digital Intelligence (DQ) and how it is now recognized as the World’s First Global Standard for Digital Literacy, Digital Skills, and Digital Readiness. She shares about the decade of experiences, insights, and instrumental people and partners who are anchored on the same strong belief that “technology is only meaningful when it enhances humanness”.

The book is an invitation for all to realize the importance to collaboratively reshape and co-write the next chapters on technology, education, and human wellbeing in an increasingly digital age – As technology evolves, we too should continue to learn, evolve, and empower others, in sustainable ways and as masters of technology.

Read more about the book here and grab your own copy on Amazon.

2020 Child Online Safety Index Report

The Child Online Safety Index (COSI), the world-first real-time measure to help nations better understand their children’s online safety status.

The 2020 COSI is based on data collected from 145,426 children and adolescents in 30 different countries from 2017-2019 as part of the #DQEveryChild initiative.

Linked with DQ assessment tools and its global database, COSI will be automatically updated as the countries progress with their child online safety and digital citizenship initiatives.

Read the Press Release

Other Publications

Key Projects
  • 2020 Nature Human Behaviour, Addressing the digital skills gap for future education
  • 2019 Global Standards Report
  • 2018 Global DQ Impact Report
  • 2017 Efficacy of the Help-Reporting System
  • Online Counselling DQ Studies
  • 2016 Singapore DQ Pilot Study
  • DQ World Methodology
  • DQ World Webpage
  • 2018 Nature Outlook
  • 2016 DQ Institute White Paper
2020 Nature Human Behaviour, Addressing the digital skills gap for future education

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused rushed digitalization of primary and secondary (K12) student education, and cyber-risks such as bullying, technology addiction, and misinformation must be addressed. There is an urgent need to coordinate global efforts for digital skills education and training, which can help students succeed in the digital age while curbing risks and inequality.

Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-021-01074-z

2019 Global Standards Report

For the world to build comprehensive digital competencies with speed, scalability, and sustainability, there is an urgent need for effective coordination and consensus towards building a common framework with a set of definitions, structure, and taxonomy. In this report, we present the DQ Framework as the solution. Read more here:

2018 Global DQ Impact Report

On Safer Internet Day (6th February 2018), the 2018 DQ Impact Report was published in association with the World Economic Forum. As part of our #DQEveryChild movement to empower children with digital intelligence (DQ), the multinational report delved into the current state of online safety and digital citizenship among 38,000 8-12 year olds across 29 countries. In particular, we focused on how children became exposed to cyber-risks and how these risks may affect them.  

Our key finding, that 56% of 8-12 year olds are exposed to at least one cyber-risk (including risks like cyberbullying and online grooming), is particularly revealing of the work that lies ahead for all of us in the creation of an ethical digital ecosystem for this generation of digital natives.  

The full report and more information can be found below:

The World Economic Forum – Impact Page, Blog, Video and Press Release

2017 Efficacy of the Help-Reporting System

In the 2016 DQ Pilot Impact Study, about 60% of children who were exposed to cyber-victimization wanted extra help to handle their cyber issues. A 2015 DQ e-counselling study conducted by the National Institute of Education, Singapore also revealed that timely intervention is critical to improve emotional well-being of children who are exposed to cyber-risks.

From September 2017, DQWorld.netTM will include a unique help-reporting system to detect a child’s exposure to various cyber-risks and provide opportunities to proactively intervene to help at-risk child.

The study will be conducted to understand its effectiveness through Private-Public Partnership in Singapore and Australia:

Singapore: Singtel (private) – National Council of Social Service (public) – TOUCH Cyber Wellness, Feiyue (civil society) 
Australia: via Optus (Singtel) and Kids Helpline Strategic Corporate Partnership – collaboration and knowledge sharing



Online Counselling DQ Studies

A 2017 DQ online counselling study conducted by the National Institute of Education (NIE), Singapore revealed that lack of nonverbal cues enhanced children’s psychological safety and willingness to self-disclose online. TCPs also found it helpful to use a solution-focused approach to work with children and to adapt their face-to-face counselling techniques to online counselling through the use of SITCOMS (Skills in Text-based Communication).
Find the study here: https://doi.org/10.18401/2017.7.2.3

A 2018 DQ e-counselling study also conducted by NIE revealed that online counselling helped children find solutions as well as support for their emotional and practical needs.
Find the study here: https://doi.org/10.1080/03069885.2018.1485871


2016 Singapore DQ Pilot Study


The DQ online education program was developed through a collaboration between Nanyang Technological University and infollutionZERO with support from the Inter-Ministry of Cyber Wellness Steering Committee and Singtel in Singapore. The 2016 Singapore DQ Pilot Impact Study involved 2218 8-12 year old children and was successfully conducted to understand the efficacy and impact of the DQ online program to enhance children’s DQ skills and improve their attitudes and behaviors against cyber risks.

The results were highlighted at the 2017 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting that was held in Davos, Switzerland found here.

Check out Our 2016 DQ Impact Report (Part 2):
The Top 8 Empowerments of DQ Education

Minimise Risky Online Behaviors

By increasing the DQ Score, DQ World minimises risky behaviours online and maximises future-ready skills including critical thinking and empathy of children aged 8-12.


Figure: DQ Score:

Maximise Future-Ready Skills

Higher parental and teacher engagement – through active facilitation and performance tracking – achieved greater improvements in DQ.

Figure: DQ Empathy:



Highly significant correlation (R=0.583, p-value <0.001) between DQ score and empathy. Note: DQ Score in this graph is the average of the scores of digital citizen identity, screen time management, cyber bullying management, cyber security management, critical thinking, digital footprint management and privacy management.

Figure: DQ Global Citizenship:



Highly significant correlation (R=0.619,p-value<0.001) between DQ score and global citizenship.

Figure: DQ Critical Thinking:


Highly signficant correlation (R=0.719,p-value<0.001) between DQ and critical thinking skills. Note: DQ Score in this graph is the average of the scores of digital citizen identity, screen time management, cyber bullying management, cyber security management, digital empathy, digital footprint management and privacy management.
DQ World Methodology

DQ World is an innovative research-based, e-learning platform that is specifically designed for young users of digital media and technology. The online educational platform has been recognized by two UNESCO awards for its pioneering efforts to promote digital citizenship education among children. DQ World’s approach is pioneering in the sense that it has transformed how nations approach digital education. Indeed, more and more school programs are incorporating technology in a variety of ways: some use computers in the classroom, some make online assistance available to children, and some teach coding and even robotics.

Basic digital citizenship skills, however, are often overlooked by educators and parents despite being fundamental to a person’s ability to get the most out of technology and to avoid risks. One reason for this gap is that teachers themselves have not been trained in the area of digital citizenship education, and they are already over-burdened with other teaching needs and requirements. Therefore, any comprehensive program needs to either (1) include training for teachers and fit in within the curriculum, or (2) provide training directly to students with only basic support needed from teachers. DQ World is based on this second approach, and is a compatible with a wide variety of learning environments.


DQ World Webpage

Jointly developed with top institutions including Nanyang Technological University, DQ World is a world leading online education platform to teach children ages 8-12 the 8 Digital Citizenship Skills. It empowers them to become informed and discerning digital citizens.

Visit DQ World at https://www.dqworld.net today!

2018 Nature Outlook

This article published in Nature Outlook on October 2018 outlines exactly how DQ can help address the need for digital intelligence.


To find out more, read the article below:
2016 DQ Institute White Paper

We are living in a renaissance period of new digital media and technologies that are reshaping the world around us. A wide and growing cross-section of the world’s population has become immersed in this hyper-connected digital world, in turn transforming the ways we communicate and interact. At the same time, as digital media and technology become an indispensable part of our daily lives, there is growing concern that we are losing control as our dependence on technology grows. Digital issues caused by this 24/7 hyper-connected culture -including technology addiction, cyberbullying, online sexual behaviors, cybercrimes, online privacy concerns – are proliferating and significantly impact daily life.

As such, there is a global imperative to empower children to become good digital citizens who are smart and responsible users of technology – avoiding harmful and risky activities while maximizing the benefits of technology use. In order to address this urgent need, the Digital Intelligence concept was developed. Digital intelligence or “DQ” is a set of skills needed to meet the demands and challenges of the digital world, including digital citizenship and literacy skills.


DQ Institute in Action

Press Release
April 19 ,2024
Living Well Digitally: Global Initiative Launched by NUS Centre for Trusted Internet and Community and Powered by DQ
Press Release
February 09 ,2021
New Global Standards to Empower Digital Citizens – Helping children with digital skills
Press Release
October 09 ,2020
World’s First Global Standard for Digital Literacy and Digital Skills Is Born In Singapore
Press Release
May 25 ,2020
An expert explains: the digital risks facing our children during COVID-19
April 30 ,2020
#DQEveryChild COVID-19 Response Fund Highlighted by BBC
Press Release
March 21 ,2020
Infographic: Child online safety
Press Release
February 13 ,2020
Australia second only to Spain when it comes to child safety online, index reveals
Press Release
February 13 ,2020
British children stare at screens for 44 hours per week, says first global Child Online Safety Index


DQ Day

World Marks Digital Intelligence Day on October 10

The day individuals and organizations across the globe affirm their commitment to promote online safety, ethics, and human empowerment in the digital age.

2020 DQ Day Announcement

The world’s first global standard related to digital literacy, digital skills, and digital readiness, the IEEE 3527.1™ Standard for Digital Intelligence (DQ), was approved by the IEEE Standards Board on 24 September 2020.

2020 DQ Day Celebrationwith C20 (G20 Civil Society) Summit


To celebrate the 2020 DQ Day, we co-organized the panel discussion session with C20 on “Global Index for Child Online Safety and Digital Citizenship”.

2020 DQ Day Celebration
Welcome to DQ Day 2020 Saudi Arabia
DQ Institute is an active participant of the 2020 C20 (G20 Civil Society) as the international lead for Digital Economy Working Group. This panel discussion is a special event organized by the DQ Institute and C20 to discuss the development of a new Global Index for Child Online Safety and Digital Citizenship.

  • Date: 10 October, 2020

  • Time: 12:30pm – 2:00pm (Saudi Arabia Time)
Click below for detailed programme:


Dr Yuhyun Park

Dr Yuhyun Park,
CEO and Founder of the DQ Institute and International Lead of the C20 Digital Economy working group
Dr  Mona Al Fedhily

Dr Mona Al Fedhily,
G20 Digital Economy Task Force Policy Director, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology
Mei Lin Fung

Mei Lin Fung,
Chair and Co-Founder of People-Centered Internet
Professor Sonia Livingstone

Professor Sonia Livingstone,
Professor of Psychology at the Department of Media Communications at London School of Economics
Luisa Sotormaya

Luisa Sotormaya,
Child Participation Expert, office of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General on Violence Against Children.
Brittany Kaiser

Brittany Kaiser,
Co-Founder of the Own your Data Foundation
Melissa Sassi

Melissa Sassi,
Global Head of IBM Hyper Protect Accelerator, Chair of the Digital Working Group at IEEE

Join Other DQI Discussions at G20 Engagement Groups

Think 20 (T20). Task Force 6: Economy, Employment, and Education in the Digital Age. Panel Discussion: Beyond Password Protection – Honoring Personal Identities and Maintaining Autonomy in Cybersecurity


  • Muhammad Khurram Khan, TF06 Policy Brief Lead Author, T20 Saudi Arabia and Professor of Cybersecurity Founder & CEO, Global Foundation for Cyber Studies & Research Triston Harris, Director and co-founder of the Center for Humane Technology
  • Hind Khalifa, TF06 Policy Brief Author, T20 Saudi Arabia and ASBAR
  • Josh Jackman, DQ Institute
  • Paul Twomey, TF06 Policy Brief Author, T20 Saudi Arabia and Centre for International Governance Innovation
Date: 6 October 2020
Time: 2:00pm – 5:00pm

C20 Summit. Panel Discussion: Bridging the Divide in Digital Education


  • Chris Purifoy Chief Executive Office, Learning Economy
  • Asheesh Advani, Chief Executive Officer, JA Worldwide
  • Andreas Schleicher, Director for the Directorate for Education and Skills
  • Dr. Yuhyun Park, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, DQ Institute
  • Haroon Yasin, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, ORENDA Project
  • Christina Bwana, Chief Operating Officer, UBNOGO
Date: 6 October 2020
Time: 2:30pm – 4:00pm

C20 Summit. Panel Discussion: The Future of Development: The Digital Perspective


  • H.E. Dr. Munir Eldesouki, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Saudi Arabia; G20 Digital Economy Taskforce Chair
  • H.E. Omar Sultan Alolama, Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence, UAE
  • Mr. Andrew Wycoff, Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation, OECD
  • Ms. Patricia Mechael, Co-Founder and Policy Lead, HealthEnabled
  • Dr. Yuhyun Park, Director, DQ Institute & C20 DEWG Lead
Date: 9 October 2020
Time: 12:30pm – 2:00pm

Welcome to DQ Day 2019
New York City, USA
This is an inaugural event organized by DQ Institute and IEEE Standards Association, in collaboration with the World Economic Forum, to coordinate worldwide efforts in setting global standards for digital intelligence (DQ). This will be a high-level thought leadership event convening the best minds from around the world to discuss latest trends and issues on digital literacy, skills and readiness.

  • Date: 10 October, 2019

  • Time: 08.30 – 16.30
  • Venue:
    World Economic Forum,
    350 Madison Avenue,
    New York City, USA

Click below for detailed programme:

DQ Event - WEF

Welcome to DQ Day 2019
London, UK
The City of London will be officially launching its nationwide campaign (future.now) to boost digital skills among people and businesses in the United Kingdom. In collaboration with the Coalition for Digital Intelligence, this movement was initiated through the Digital Skills Summit in November last year with an aim to empower people and businesses in the UK to thrive in the digital age.

DQ Seminars & Symposia
In collaboration with the World Economic Forum, DQ Institute brings together business, NGOs, civil society and academia to elevate digital intelligence (DQ) as a new form of intelligence. A series of events will provide engagement opportunities by:

  • Conducting seminars and symposia with global thought leaders and luminaries to facilitate interaction between experts in various industries to raise awareness and visibility on DQ
  • Developing ‘white paper’ scalable solutions in real-time for the most vulnerable populations including youth and for the aging population (e.g., ‘silver’ media literacy)