DQ Screen Time



Schools and Organisations


Students Reached




In October 2017, the DQ Institute worked together with Fundación Ceibal, a research centre focussed on understanding the use of digital technologies and creating better learning opportunities, and Plan Ceibal, a digital inclusion programme that works to integrate digital technology in education, to bring #DQEveryChild to Uruguay. With limited time to take part in the 2017 DQ World programme, Fundación Ceibal and Plan Ceibal offered schools the opportunity to prepare for the 2018 programme by getting a head start in understanding their students’ current levels of digital intelligence through the 2017 DQ Study.

Cristóbol Cobo and his team at Fundación Ceibal with the support of Plan Ceibal, translated the Study into Spanish and worked to send it out through their network of schools. Through their efforts, they were able to reach nearly 900 students across several local schools.

Schools that got over 100 student respondents will receive a DQ Screen Time Report that can function as a preliminary overview of their students’ digital use habits and current levels of cyber-risk exposure. In turn, schools can use this knowledge to build and develop their own pedagogies for digital citizenship education that complement the DQ World programme.

In the year ahead, the DQ Institute and Fundación Ceibal will be further collaborating to bring #DQEveryChild and its benefits to more schools and children in Uruguay.

Uruguay in the 2017 Global DQ Index Study
Through Ceibal Foundation, Uruguay participated in the global study on digital citizenship, by the DQ Institute. The DQ Institute seeks to promote the development of digital intelligence (DQ) understood as the sum of the social, emotional, and cognitive skills that allow individuals… READ MORE
6 de febrero: Día Internacional de Internet segura
Las oportunidades que ofrece Internet también implican nuevas responsabilidades relacionadas con la identidad en la red, el tiempo dedicado al uso de tecnologías, el desarrollo de ambientes protegidos, la gestión de datos de terceros o el uso de la comunicación online. En apoyo a la alfabetización digital desde edades tempranas, la ciudadanía digital es un área de trabajo constante para Plan Ceibal. READ MORE
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From Our Partner
Cristóbol Cobo
Director of Fundacion Ceibal
“It’s not only affecting kids, teachers sometimes are troubled, they don’t know how to proceed, they’re not always sure what kind of advice they have to provide to the kids. I would say that one of the things that this study provides, as a key idea, is: it’s not enough with the proficiency of the computers, but how to take opportunities and at the same time be aware of the risk.”