DQ Screen Time



Schools and Organizations


Students Reached




Observing rising levels of cyberbullying accompanying the increasing ubiquity of digital skills like coding and programming, Masami Ishiyama – a local Master’s student – reached out to the DQ Institute to bring #DQEveryChild to Japan.

Determined to establish an ethical foundation from which to guide the next generation of coders, Masami and his team worked to translate the 2017 DQ Study into Japanese. After which, he and his team worked tirelessly to reach out to elementary schools to promote the DQ Learning framework whilst implementing the survey to their students. With his pioneering and steadfast efforts to promote cyber wellness and ethical digital use, his team managed to reach over 1,000 students across several schools in Japan, enabling the development of a preliminary understanding of cyber habits of Japanese students.

Schools that got over 100 student respondents have received a DQ Screen Time Report – helping to set a critical foundation for their development of digital citizenship education and in turn setting a starting point for the implementation of the DQ World programme in 2018.

「DQ Impact Report」レポートを発表 日本の小学生の約5人に1人がサイバーリスクに直面…
デジタルによる教育や文化の向上をめざす国際シンクタンク「DQ Institute(本部:シンガポール)」は、世界29ヵ国で8歳~12歳の38,000人以上の子供たちを対象にした調査を基に、子供のネット上の安全やデジタルシティズンシップの現状をまとめたレポート… READ MORE

From Our Partner
Masami Ishiyama
Business student and DQ Certified Ambassador
“Just like people need to work on physical strength before playing baseball, I believe coding education also needs to establish bases before getting into it right away. Therefore, what’s more important is universal digital education for all children. I would say Japan needs an organized digital education programme for future children and I strongly believe DQWorld.net can help Japanese children live in both real world and digital world better than they do now.”