DQ Screen Time



Schools and Organizations


Students Reached




SAKOLA spearheaded the #DQEveryChild at their parenting workshop on 9th December 2017, in collaboration with the DQ Institute and Indonesia – Center of Digital Excellence (Id.CoDE). Dr Syam Surya introduced 100 parents and educators to the DQ World learning platform as part of efforts to increase parental awareness of the possible cyber-risks that their children may be facing.

On 15th December, SAKOLA and Id.CoDE collaborated once more to bring a sharing session to Bahrul Ulum Boarding School with 80 students and educators.

The DQ Institute continued to work with JA Asia Pacific and Prestasi Junior Indonesia to bring the 2017 DQ Study to more schools. Through their network of schools, these organisations offered educators the opportunity to understand their students’ digital habits and current levels of cyber-risk exposure; thereafter using this knowledge to build and develop their own pedagogies for digital citizenship education to complement DQ’s learning platform. Schools that got over 100 student respondents will receive a DQ Screen Time Report – giving insight on how they can improve as a school, in turn, setting a starting point for the implementation of the DQ World Programme in 2018.

Tak Cuma Orangtua, Melek Gadget pun Diperlukan untuk Anak
Studi multi-nasional mengenai tingkat keamanan dunia maya yang dilakukan oleh DQ Institute dan World Economic Forum di 29 negara menunjukkan anak usia 8 sampai 12 tahun di Indonesia berisiko terpapar bahaya siber. READ MORE
71 % Anak Indonesia Usia 8-12 Tahun Berisiko Terpapar Bahaya Siber
Sungguh memprihatinkan. Hasil survei yang dilakukan DQ Institute dan World Economic Forum, 71 persen anak Indonesia usia 8 hingga 12 tahun berisiko terpapar bahaya siber. READ MORE
“Citi Parenting” Dukung Anak Indonesia menjadi Generasi Cerdas Digital
Studi multi-nasional mengenai tingkat keamanan dunia maya yang dilakukan oleh DQ Institute dan World Economic Forum di 29 negara menunjukkan rata-rata 71 persen anak usia 8-12 tahun di Indonesia berisiko terpapar bahaya siber, seperti penindasan di dunia maya (cyberbullying), kecanduan video game, online grooming, sampai dengan pelecehan seksual. READ MORE
Komunikasi Positif Harus Dibangun Sejak Dini
Komunikasi dan disiplin yang positif dari orangtua untuk menjadikan tumbuh kembang anak lebih baik dan bahagia di masa anak-anaknya. Seringkali ibu justru menunjukkan sikap histeris akan membuat anak-anak tidak mampu menjadi diri mereka sendiri. READ MORE

From Our Partner
Dr. Syam Surya Syamsi
Founder of Id.CoDE
“We hope this can add insight into how to protect children from the harmful effects of digital life, and provide the right solution to children who are addicted in using digital technology.”