DQ Screen Time

Improvement Of

Schools and Organizations

Students Reached









In 2017, the DQ Institute had the opportunity to work together with multiple stakeholders – Optus, International Digital Education Achievement (IDEA), Kids Help Line, and educators – to bring #DQEveryChild to the country. Through IDEA’s consistent support and efforts in raising awareness of DQ among parents, educators, and policymakers, over 4,000 students were reached in 2017 on DQ World – the second largest enrolment globally, with 729 8-12 year olds included in the analysis of the 2017 DQ Impact Study.

As part of the coalition, telco, Optus sponsored the National DQ Report and worked with DQ to raise children and youth’s digital citizenship awareness via their Digital Thumbprint programme as well as encouraged parents to enroll their 8-12 year old children onto DQ World.

In September 2017, Singtel, Optus and Kids Helpline came together with DQ Institute to pioneer the launch of Cyber-Risk Reporting System on the DQ e-learning platform for Singapore and Australia.

Don’t teach your kids coding, teach them how to live online
“Don’t teach your kids coding,” says New York Times journalist Thomas Friedman. “Well – teach it if you want. But before you teach them coding, teach them digital civics: how to talk to one another on the internet, how to understand fact from fiction. READ MORE
Singapore and Australia First to Launch DQ Institute Cyber-risk Reporting System…
· Cyber-risk help reporting system for children can detect a child’s exposure to various cyber-risks and provide opportunities to proactively intervene.
· Singapore and Australia will be the first countries to pilot the system through public-private partnerships with DQ Institute. READ MORE

From Our Partner
Helen Maisano
Associate Director, Group Sustainability, Optus
“The DQ Index Australia will offer ground-breaking information and insights into the risk areas for Australian children, and aligns with the Optus mission which is to create empowered and responsible digital citizens that thrive in today’s world of technology.”
Anthony Eisentrager
Head, BounceED Idea
“Aligning with the Australian Curriculum Reference and having a wealth of comprehensive materials for teachers and students, I’m convinced that the DQ Programme has the most to offer young students in terms of digital citizenship learning. We need to make this program available to every child in every state of Australia.”