For 25 years, Turkcell has rigorously worked towards its goal of “creating value for the future” through its investments in Turkey’s economy and social developments. In October 2017, the company reached out to the DQ Institute as part of their CSR efforts to expand the development and accessibility of education through technology.
Originally intending to use the DQWorld.net platform directly, there was a shift in direction to participate in the 2017 DQ Study to first understand Turkish children’s DQ score with respect to Screen Time Management before implementing the entire DQ World programme.
Working together with the Deputy Undersecretary of Ministry of National Education Professor Mustafa Hilmi Çolakoğlu, Turkcell translated and localised the DQ Study for Turkish students. MOE then took the lead to enable students and educators in the public education system to participate in the multinational study.
Through their efforts, they were able to bring nearly 1,000 8-12 year old student participants in the DQ Study. In addition, they also had over 1,600 educators participate in the Study – garnering the largest national educator participation globally.