In October 2017, Boboto Srl Società Benefit, a B Corp company dedicated to education, inclusivity, and social innovation in Italy, reached out to the DQ Institute to help implement the 2017 DQ Study in Italy. Iliana Morelli and her team not only helped translate the Study into Italian, but also reached out to their network of schools and launched a persuasive social media campaign. In just under two months, the Boboto team successfully rolled out the 2017 DQ Study to over 1,500 8-12 year old children.
The Study provides schools and educators the necessary foundations for shaping their pedagogical approach to digital citizenship education by providing them with a preliminary understanding of their students’ digital competencies.
In the year ahead, the Institute will be further collaborating with and supporting Boboto’s efforts to translate and localise the DQ World programme and propel the #DQEveryChild movement even further.